
Mobile and web applications for ecologists to track, manage and store ecological data.

A new data management application for ecologists

Ecologue is a part of our new data management system which is dedicated to ecological research. The concept of creating this platform has emerged from our DNA profiling work for thousands of ecological projects, large and small performed by DArT in the last decade.

As we recognised that a large proportion of genetic data generated for those projects is often lost or not stored properly due to limited funding and IT capacity of researchers, we made a decision to develop a dedicated solution that complements agriculturally-focused KDDart platform.

A man using a smartphone to capture data in the field for ecological and biodiversity research with the KDSmart Android application

A custom ecological app to help
biodiversity experts ecologists scientists industry
more efficiently manage ecological data.

Image of ecological research and data management mobile applications

Environmental data management

Ecologue is designed not only for genetic and sequence data storage, but also to integrate these data with sample metadata and and environmental data for the locations at which the biological samples were collected.

Access from any device

The platform consists at the moment of mobile app which is fast approaching its release (Android first, followed closely by iOS) and web application that interacts seamlessly with the app.

Similar applications

DArT offers the KDART platform, which includes five applications that work separately and together to create an integrated solution for your genomic data management needs. 

Interested in being a part of Ecologue's development?

Ecologue development is supported by the Priority Investment Program of the ACT Government. We currently plan to formally launch the platform in the second quarter of 2023. If you’re interested in being involved in the beta testing, development or user research for Ecologue get in touch with us.
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